LCSW/LCPC Clinical Supervision
My Specialties
Case Management
Clinical Documentation
Department of Veterans Affairs Social Work Practices
Mental Health
Military Social Work
State of IL Requirements Licensing requirements for:
LCSW Retrieved from
MSWs must work for 3,000 hours under the supervision of an LCSW
PhDs/DSWs must work for 2,000 hours under supervision of an LCSW
BSWs are ineligible for the LCSW
Professional Clinical Social Work Experience:
Get a job in the social work field. It may be paid or volunteer work, but it must be practice experience (non-clerical). Your work must consist of client contact or administrative work directly related to client contact to count toward your licensure.
You may work part-time (15–30 hrs/wk) or full-time (30–40 hrs/wk).
You must meet with your supervisor(s) a minimum of four hours per month to discuss client cases and treatment procedures.
You may have different supervisors at different times, provided they’re all licensed appropriately.
You may be supervised in groups of no more than five (5) people at a time.
You may either have a supervisor who works for your employer or one you retain privately.
More information on licensure and supervision requirements can be found here:
LCPC (Retrieved From
Professional Experience requirements
1,680 hours of work per year x2 years = 3,360 hours
960 hours of face to face counseling x2 years = 1,920 hours
Supervision Requirements:
A qualified supervision means any person who is a licensed clinical professional counselor, licensed clinical social worker, licensed clinical psychologist, or psychiatrist as defined in Section 1-121 of the Mental Health and Developmental Disabilities Code. If supervision took place outside Illinois, the supervision shall be a master’s level or doctoral level counselor engaged in clinical professional counseling, clinical social work, clinical psychology or psychiatry. The supervision shall hold an active license if the jurisdiction in which the supervision practices requires licensure.
The supervision shall have met with the applicant at least one hour each week. The supervision means the review of counseling and case management.
Acceptable modes for supervision of direct client contact are as follows:
Individual supervision: the supervisory session is conducted by an approved supervision with one or two counselors present.
Group supervision: the supervisory session is conducted by an approved supervisor with no more than 5 counselors present
More information can be found at: